Who We Are
INETI - Campus do Lumiar

The  Departament of  Optoelectronics (DOP) proceeded from the former team of Optics founded in 1976 into the  INETI
Our departement has been working from the start in the field of R&D under contracts, mainly to the National Defense projects and also giving strong support to the national and european industries.
The ruling scientific and tecnological activities are mostly concerning about conception and development of technologies and systems envisaging adequate solutions for the demanding problems presented by those entities in the following areas: artificial vision, simulation, optics and optoelectronics facilities and laser equipement.
Our Departtement has grown all along knowledge and technological capacities to bring forward solutions in the domain of process and product engineering.
The close relationship and cooperation of our departement with the Ministry of Defense has been since long
a route for developing new technologies and products to the Portuguese Military Forces.


This strategy and the know-how acquired in these operational areas has enabled us to open doors for civilian applications of some unclassifed technologies.
This engagement has been a way to develop new technologies and products that are solutions for the demanding problems of the industrial enterprises.
Our Departement has also joined as a leader or partner to the R&D Europeans Programs such as:EUCLID, BRITE, SFS/NATO.

 Department's Staff   
Eng� Jos� A. Cabrita Freitas, Director.

There are two main research teams whose activities in the domain of R&D are oriented to: Computer Vision and Software engineering
Coordinator: Bento Correia,PhD

Systems and  laser engineering Coordinator:  Manuel Adler Abreu, PhD.
These are two technical support teams composing:

o grupo de Design & Product engineering, Coordinator: Dr. Carlos Duarte.

  Production, Quality and Maintenance, Coordinator: Dr. Jer�nimo Silva.

 Planning,  Accountancy and Projects management tasks are accomplihed by the Planning and Accounting team.

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� Copyright 1996, 1999, INETI - DOP
Last Actualisation:13-02-2001
Informations: Dr�. Cristina Aguiar
Webmaster: Lu�s Crespo
Art Director: Dr. Carlos Duarte
Responsable: Eng�. Jos� Cabrita Freitas
Campus do INETI, Edif�cio D - Estrada do Pa�o do Lumiar, 22 - 1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal - Tel.: +351. 217 165 181 - Fax: +351. 217 163 048
INETI� Green Number
800 227 000