1995 - Agregado (German Habilitation) from the Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon).
1995 - Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universidade da Beira Interior.
1974 - Ph. D. in Electrotechnical Engineering from the University of Liverpool.
1969 - Licenciado (M. Sc.) in Physics from the University of Lisbon.
1964 - Liceu Nacional de Gil Vicente (High-School - grades: 17 out of 20) where he was attributed the National Prize.
1957 - Voz do Operário, Primary School, 4th grade, Prize Ricardo Covões.
2021 - Presidente do Conselho Geral do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda.
2016 - Professor Emeritus at IADE-U (Instituto de Arte, Design e Empresa - Universitário)
2012-2016 - Professor at IADE-U
2000-2016 – Scientific Coordinator of Technologies of Superior School of Design at IADE-U
2003-2005 – Scientific Coordinator of the Master Degree in Technology Information and Security” in University Independente.
1996-2005 - Pro-Rector for research at the University Independente.
1995-2005 - Professor and Director of the Faculty-of Engineering Science of the University Independente.
1985-1996 - Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon).
1980-1987 - Director of the basic training course in’ Ophthalmic Optics for the National Opticians Association.
1980-1987 - Founder and first Director of the Portuguese School of Optics and Optometry.
Professional (Research) Career
1984 - Appointed Principal Scientist in a documented public contest.
1984 - Passed the exams for Principal Scientist at LNETI.
1979-1984 - Senior Research Officer of LNETI (National Laboratory for Engineering and Industrial Technology) in a public contest.
1978-1979 - Specialist (Research Officer) at the JEN - Nuclear Energy Commission.
1975-1978 - Assistant 2nd class at the JEN - Nuclear Energy Commission.
1969-1975 - Assistant 3th class at the JEN - Nuclear Energy Commission.
1968-1969 - While a student he had a grant from the Nuclear Energy Commission (JEN) Junta de Energia Nuclear.
Engineering ActivitiesHolder of five patents, he has designed and developed the engineering of various products currently in industrial production, some of which have been exported.
Of these products the following are noteworthy (the date indicates when production started):
Optical Components (lOLA) for export (1976 … ); Overhead Projector (FOC Escolar) for export (1977 … ); Optics Kit (FOC Escolar) (1980 … ); Aiming Collimator (INDEP) for export (1982 … ); Machine for straightening gun-barrels (INDEP) (1983); Night Vision (INDEP) exported (1984);
Granite Optical Benches (PRECIOPTIC) for export (1985 … ); Interferometer for the measurement of displacement, angles and velocity (PRECIOPTIC) (1985); Textile Robot (EFACEC) (1986); High-Precision Displacement Tables (PRECIOPTIC) (1987);
C02 Laser (EFACEC) (1987); SITPUL Combat Simulator (INDEP, EID) for export (1987); Weaving Management Systems (EID) (1987); Textile Pattern Generating Systems (EID) (1988); Real-Time Intelligent Vision Systems (EID) for export (1991); Systems for the Detection of defects in Textiles, Leather, Granite and Marble (1992); Infra-red Barriers (EID) (1992); Machine for the automatic punching of cork stoppers (Mecanova) (1993);
PoSAT-1 Satellite (Po-SAT Consortium - INETI - EFACEC - ALCATEL - MARCONI - OGMA - IST - UBI - CEDINTEC) launched and operational since 26th September, 1993; Systems for the measurement of the solid volume of truck-loads of wood, exported to Brazil (1994); Satellite communications stations in operation throughout the world for the Portuguese Armed Forces. This product elicited the following comment from General Cerqueira Rocha in his Army Day speech on 25th July, 1996:
“With respect to co-operation with national industries the co-operation with the Instituto de Tecnologias de lnformação deserves particular distinction, as a result of which the permanent and campaign communications of the Army are integrated, through a satellite link, within the National PoSAT Project. Terminals of this satellite are operating within the UNAVEM III programme and shortly in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Images archive captured by PoSaT1
The products produced for industrial users those of note are:
Projector of Conventional and Structured Laser Light (ESTEREOFOTO) (1979); System for the Inspection of Diamonds (DIALAP) (1979); Paralelitex (IT - ANIL) for export (1980); Pilositex (IT - ANIL) for export (USTER - Switzerland) (1982); System for the Inspection of Detonators (INDEP) (1983); Telescope for Tension Measurement (COVINA) (1989); Sitrac; Villaser; Icaro; Simula; Mater; Excolaser .
Management And Entrepreneurial Activities
2022 - Sócio-Fundador da AASO (Associação de Apoio à Sustentabilidade da Óptica).
2019 - President of the board of trustees of José Carlos Godinho Ferreira de Almeida Foundation, by appointement of Senhor D. Manuel, Bishop of Guarda.
2017 - 2018 - Member do Conselho Geral da ESEL
2013 - 2017 - President of Assembleia Municipal da Guarda.
2008 - Vice President of Marinha do Tejo (Tagus Navy)
2007 - President of APAETT (Associação dos Proprietários e Arrais das Embarcações Típicas do Tejo - Owners and Skippers of theTraditional Tagus Boats Association)
2004 - Member of Board of Centro Náutico Moitense
2004-2005 – President of General Council of SIDES, S.A.
2001-2015 - Scientific Coordinator UNIDCOM/IADE.
1999-2012 - Science Administrator NATO.
1998-2002 -Appointed by the Portuguese Industrial Association to be a member of the EuroDefense Group (Portugal).
1997-1999 - Vice-President of the Strategic Council of EMPORDEF - Empresa Portuguesa de Defesa,S.A. (Portuguese Defense Company).
1996-1999 - President of NAIPTEL - Núcleo das Indústrias de Telecomunicações da Associação Industrial Portuguesa (Telecomunications Industries Group of the Portuguese Industrial Association).
1991-1999 - Chief of the PoSAT Consortium (INETI; EFACEC,S.A.; ALCATEL; MARCONI; OGMA, S.A.; IST; UBI; CEDINTEC) which build and successfully launched Po-SAT1, a portuguese satellite on the 26th September 1993. The satellite, a LEO, serves Portuguese troops in peace keeping missions in Bosnia, Angola and wherever and whenever it is necessary. It is also linked to 140 stations around the globe for VITA and Jackson & Tull.
1990- 1 October 2014 -Chairman of the Portuguese Chapter of AFCEA - Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association.
1983-1999 - Member of the Board of EID - Empresa de lnvestiqação e Desenvolvimento de Electrónica. S.A., (private company with 214 employees, 140 being engineers).
1985-1997 - Director General of the Information Technologies Institute of LNETI (Government Institute with 110 employees, 60 scientists, 30 engineers and 20 technicians).
1988-1995 - Director of SATCART Consortium (Geometral,S.A.; EID,S.A.; NATO-FLAD (Luso-American Foundation for Development) and LNETI) for the production of cartography from satellite imagery. SATCART consortium carried out Po-SATCART project under a Science for Stability NATO program.
1984-1988 - Member of the Board of INDEP (National Defense Industries - a public company with three thousand employees).
1984-1985 - First Portuguese Coordinator for the Eureka project.
1981-1985 - Director of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (40 employees, 30 being scientists) of the Energy Institute of LNETI.
Scientific and Technological Activities
In 1977 he was honoured with the Prémio Pfizer for results obtained in the medical applications of image processing.
He was awarded the Prémio Gulbenkian de Ciência e Tecnologia in 1978 and in 1982 for the development of algorithms for the calculation of optical systems and for the application of laser techniques to the characterization of textiles.
In 1989 the Sociedade Histórica da lndependência de Portugal honoured him, for the body of his scientific work, with the Prémio da Identidade Nacional.
For work developed in the field of information theory he received the Prémio Boa Esperança in 1990.
In the same year he was made an honorary member of the Professional Union of Portuguese Opticians and Optometrists for his contribution to the advance of Optics and Optometry in Portugal. The Casa de Imprensa voted him Scientist of the Year in 1993, awarding him the Prémio Bordalo. For his contribution to the advancement of scientific and technical knowledge of communications systems, electronics, intelligence and information theory he was awarded a Meritorious Service Award by AFCEA-International in 1994.
The Porter Report (1995) refers to, as one of four successful examples, his work on the application of optoeletronics to the cork industry. In 1996 he received the Albert J. Myer Achievement Award for his work on information theory. In 1998 the National Opticians Association honoured him with the “Diploma of Merit" for his research results in Optics and in 2014 the ANO Career Award.
He directed and lectured a course on “Information Warfare” at Universidade Independente in colaboration with John Dockery (Defence Information Systems Agency), George Papcun, Cliff Joslyn and Luis Rocha (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Eric Bonabeau (Santa Fé Institute).
He was scientific coordinator in the Master degree course "Tecnologia e Gestão de Informação e Segurança", in Universidade Independente, 2003-2005.
As Senior Scientific Adviser of NATO for the Emerging Security Challenges Division from 1999 till 2012 received the Lavoisier Medal from the Commissariat de Énergie Atomique de France and congratulatory letters from the Secretary General of NATO PDF and of the Russian Federation Ambassador PDF
In January 2014 received the Career Award from ANO (.National Opticians Association)
He has supervised nineteen Ph.D. thesis.
Academies, Scientific And Profissional Societies
2023 - Elected Primeiro Associado Honorário da Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Física Qu
imica. https://appfq.pt/2023/12/22/primeiro-associado-honorario-da-appfq/
2000 - Elected member of the International Academy of Astronautics
2000 - Fellow of the Academy of Political Sciences (N.Y.).
1997 - Member of the Academy of Political Sciences (N.Y.).
1994 - Elected member of the Naval Academy (Portugal).
1993 - Elected member of the Astronautic Academy (Russian Federation).
1992 - Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
1990 - Honorary Member of the Portuguese Optometrist Association.
1992 - Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
1988-Sept. 2014 - Member of AFCEA - Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (U.S.A.).
1987 - Elected correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences (Portugal).
1983 - Elected member of the Lisbon Geographical Society.
1976 - Founder member of the Portuguese Physical Society.
2023 - Medalha de Mérito Científico, atribuída pela Ministra da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Professora Catedrática Elvira Fortunato, 25 Setembro 2023.
2023 - Medalha de Honra, ouro, do Município da Guarda, Cidadão Honorário da Guarda, 25 Abril 2023.
2023 - Tributo de Carreira pela Confraria Ibérica do Tejo.
2017 -Medalha de Mérito Artístico e Cultural of Município da Moita.
2016 - Cidadão Honorário of the City of Guarda.
2016 - Gold Medal of Honour of the City of Guarda.
2005 - Member of Irmandade Militar de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Lamego.
1998 - Patent of Admission in the Association of Our Lady of Lapa, given by the Rev. Bishop of Lamego.
1992 - Commander of the Military Order of Santiago da Espada.
1990 - Medal of Merit of the City of Guarda.
Thesis Supervision
- Ph. D. in UBI- Universidade da Beira Interior
“Medida do Paralelismo de Fibras, Índice de Eficiência de uma Máquina”, Manuel José dos Santos Silva, 1983;
- Research Officer in LNETI
"Aparelhagem Óptica, Estudo, Projecto e Construção", (Optical equipment, study, project and constrution), Fernando Arnaldo Duarte Carvalho, 1983;
- Ph. D. in UL- Universidade de Lisboa
"Processos Atómicos em Descargas de Cátado Oco", Manuel Ribau Teixeira, 1984;
- Research Officer in LNETI
"Imagens Pontuais em Meios Altamente Refringentes",(Point images in Highly Refringent media), José Cabrita de Freitas, 1985;
- Research Officer in LNETI
"Métodos Analógicos e Interferométricos para o Controlo de Qualidade de Lentes", (Analogic methods and Interferometers for lens quality control), Jerónimo Araújo Silva, 1987;
- Ph. D. in IST - Instituto Superior Técnico
“Detecção, Identificação e Localização do Espaço de Fontes de Radiação Coerente”, Manuel Adler Sanchez de Abreu, 1996;
- Ph. D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
“Balanços globais e regionais de Entropia, de Energia e de Massa da Atmosfera”, A. Rodrigues Tomé, 1997;
- Ph. D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
“Medida de Distância com Telemetria Laser, Projecto de um Telémetro a Laser”, António Sérgio Lebres, 1998;
- Ph. D. in IST - Instituto Superior Técnico
“Metrologia e Análise de Imagem num Sistema de Visão Industrial”, Bento Brázio Correia, 1998;
- Ph. D. in UTAD - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
“Reconhecimento de Características Através do Processamento Digital de Imagem”, Pedro José de Melo Teixeira Pinto, 1998;
- Ph. D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
"Análise Relativista da Quantidade de Informação para Avaliação de Comportamentos Emergentes no Design", Carlos Alberto M. Duarte, 2001;
- Ph. D. in IST - Instituto Superior Técnico
"Interacção da Radiação Laser com materiais", João Miguel Pinto Coelho, 2003;
- Ph. D. in IST - Instituto Superior Técnico
“Estados Propícios à Emergência de Inteligência nos Sistemas”, André S. Ribeiro, 2004;
- Ph. D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
"O Conceito de Acção para Medida da Inovação", José Coelho Ramos, 2005;
-Ph. D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
“Caracterização e Quantificação da Inovação no Processo Evolucionista do Design - Análise de um Século de Prática Médico-Cirúrgica em Portugal”, Ana Margarida Ferreira, 2008;
- Ph.D. in Aveiro University
"Design para o Futuro. O indivíduo entre o artifício e a natureza - Design Biónico, Design Ecológico, Biodesign e Design Simbiótico", Maria Inês de Castro Martins Secca Ruivo, 2009;
Ph.D. in IADE
"Ferramentas Estratégicaspara Incorporação do Design nas Pme no âmbito de Processos de Internacionalização",António Cruz Rodrigues, Dec. 2013.
Ph.D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interor
"Design como Sistema de Crenças", Fernando António Monteiro Martins, June 2015.
Ph.D. in UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior
"Modelo Material à Semelhança para Teste do Design no Tempo, Espaço e Biologia", Diamantino dos Santos Diniz de Abreu, March 2016.
Thesis of Master in NATO – Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division:
- “Scientists International Contribution to Peace”, Marie Thérèse Depardien, Universidade de Genoble, 2000;
- “Brain Drain – Does NATO Contribute to Brain Drain Throsugh its. Science Fellowship Programme?”, Karola Schink, Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Schutzechnologien – ABC – Schutz, 2000;
- “Possible use of Food as a Biological Weapron”, Andreia Loureiro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2001;
- “NATO’S Contribution to Countering Biological Warfare”, Andreia Loureiro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2001;
- “Patents and Globalization”, Céline Chevalley, NATO – Scientific and Environnemental Affairs Diviion, Brussels, August 2002;
- “NATO´s interdisciplinary approach to the new threats”, Mario González Pliego, Caveat Consules Ne Quid Res Publica Detrimenti Capiat, Brussels, February 2003;
Students for Ph.D.:
Master Marco Pinto